
In keeping with the district goal of optimum physical and mental health for all students, the school nurse strives to strengthen the educational process through improvement of the health status and knowledge of children and youth. The school nurse shares in the responsibility of helping each student reach full educational growth and maximum potential in physical, mental, and social growth. Nurses provide a health services program for the assessment, evaluation, maintenance, and improvement of the health of pupils and school personnel.


Nursing and Wellness Program
4100 Normal Street, Room 2121
San Diego, CA 92103
Office: (619) 725-5501
FAX: (619) 725-8073

Nursing & Wellness Program Directory

Mailing Address:
4100 Normal Street, Room 2121
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: (619) 725-5501
Fax: (619) 725-8073

Interim Program Manager
Susan Barndollar, RN, MN, FNP

[email protected]
(619) 725-5501

Jesus Villegas

[email protected]
(619) 725-5501

District Physician Consultant
Howard Taras, M.D.

(619) 725-5501

Resource Nurse
Lauri Biondo, RN, BSN, PHN

[email protected]
(619) 725-5501

Wellness Supervisor
Kate McDevitt

[email protected]
(619) 725-5501

Program Nurses:

Communicable Disease/Immunizations:
Adrienne Lenhoff, BSN, RN, PHN
[email protected]
(858) 429-7047

Home Hospital:
Kathy Ryan, RN
[email protected]
(619) 344-6436

Infant Program:
Cheri Amati, RN
[email protected]
(858) 272-9641 x137

Elise Finney, RN
[email protected]
(858) 272-9641 x137

Patrice Breslow, MSN, RN
[email protected]
(858) 627-7394

RMTS Medi-Cal
Karen Cloutman, BSN, RN, MPH
[email protected]
(858) 627-7590

Non-Public Schools:
Sherry Kline, RN
[email protected]
(619) 228-4303

Lee Kooima, BSN, RN, MA
[email protected]
(619) 921-1009

TRACE Program:
Sue Noblitt, RN
[email protected]
(619) 709-7032

Annie Stukes, RN
[email protected]
(619) 709-7032