A crisis such as a fire or serious student incident occurs at your site. Notify Communications immediately even when the police or fire department are not involved.
Media arrive at your site unexpectedly. The office can provide guidance and advise the site staff about how to handle this type of situation.
You have invited the media to attend an event. We can provide assistance with media, pending the department's availability. Please let us know several days in advance so we plan accordingly.
You have an exciting event or activity that should be included in Newsline, the Newscenter, or possibly the district website. It could also potentially be pitched to the media for coverage. Please send notices at least one month in advance to Communications.
You have any media-related questions.
You need assistance with marketing and promotional ideas.
The Communications Office telephone number is (619) 725-5578.
Please send the following via email ([email protected]) or school mail to the Communications Department, Education Center Room 2244: