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7000-7999 Personnel Procedures

Number Title Revised
7035 Outside Employment of Employees 12-9-11
7037 Copyrights and Patents 7-13-01
  • Att

    Copying and Use of Copyrighted Materials 

    Deleted; see BP, AR 6162.6
  • Att 1
  • Att 2
    Staff Use of District Data Communications Networks and the Internet Deleted; see BP 4040
  • Att1
  • Att 2
    Conflict of Interest Code Deleted; see AR 3700
    7042 Conflict of Interest Disclosure for the Evaluation and Procurement of District-Adopted Instructional Materials 8-02-02
    7045 Code of Ethics of the Teaching Profession 7-05-02
    7046 Professional Responsibilities of Certificated Employees 5-13-85
    7050 Assignment, General 12-14-87
  • Att
    Standardized Work Years 6-01-01

    Employee Health Evaluations 

    Deleted; see BP 4119.41

    Tuberculosis Examination 

    Deleted; see BP 4119.41
    7070 Orientation of Employees 8-02-02
    7071 Health and Safety School Inservice Training (Obsolete) Deleted
    7075 Supervision Assistant Mandated Training 6-23-03
    7100 Employee Personnel Files 1-26-00
    7101 Centralized Automated Personnel Records 1-06-03
    7105 Employee Name and Address Changes 4-29-99


    7110 Att 1

    Employee Complaints Alleging Harassment or Discrimination 

    Deleted; see BP, AR 4030
    7111 Employee Complaints Alleging Waste of Funds, Abuse of Authority, or Danger to Health or Safety 6-14-02
    7113 Appeals Procedures for Management, Supervisory, and Confidential Employees 6-27-03
    7120 Unemployment Insurance 1-21-05

    Group Medical Benefits Plans 

    Deleted; see AR 5154.1

    Group Dental Benefits Plans 

    Deleted; see AR 5154.2

    Group Life Insurance Plans

    Deleted; see AR 5154.3
    7128 Access to Protected Health Information 4-21-03

    Sick Leave 

    Deleted; see AR 4161.2
    7131 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave 11-03-06
    7134 Personal Business Leave 12-10-10
    7136 Personal Necessity Leave 2-3-12
  • Att
    Paternity and Adoption Leave 11-03-06
  • Att 1
    Bereavement Leave 11-06-06
    7142 Leaves for Court Appearances 5-12-97
    7144 Jury Duty 4-15-10
    7146 Military Leave 6-21-99
    7148 Summer Inservice Training Leave 3-15-82
    7149 Exchange Teacher Leave Deleted
    7153 Replacements for Employees During Long-Term Absences 11-16-05
    7155 Absence on District Business 8-25-16
    7156 District Employees Serving on Commissions on Professional Competence 9-13-04
    7170 Resignation of Employees 3-11-04
    7175 Retirement of Employees 10-21-02
    7176 Certificate of Appreciation, Retired Employees 1-20-99
    7180 Employee Liability 4-29-05
    7182 Employee Reference Requests 9-25-80
    7184 Employment and Assignment of Relatives of District Employees 10-3-12


    District Cars for Designated Employees 9-30-04
    7210 Registration and Control of Credentials 12-10-10
    7212 Employment Status and Status Change of Certificated Personnel 12-10-10
    7215 Certificated Personnel Allocation Formula and Class Size, K-6 (Regular Education Programs) 2-23-04
    7216 Certificated Personnel Assignment Formula and Class Size, Secondary Schools (Regular Education Programs and JROTC) 2-23-04
    7220 District Counselor Allocation Formula for Elementary Schools 2-23-04
    7223 School Nurse Allocation Formula, K-12 4-20-06
    7225 Head Counselor Salary Administration 1-06-03
    7226 Certificated Salary Evaluating Committee 2-17-93
    7230 Special Compensation for Certificated Staff 1-21-03
    7231 Special Compensation Positions 1-21-03
    7232 Extended Day Assignments, Teachers, info included in Site Operations Circular 1016, dated 9-18-20 Deleted


    Schedule of Extended Day Units 10-22-14
    7235 Supervision Session Assignments for Teachers 2-23-04
    7236 Additional Hourly Assignments for Contract Teachers 1-06-03

    Student Teaching Program, info included in Admin Circular 5, dated 8-8-18 

    7260 Vacations of Child Development Center Certificated Employees Other Than Management Employees 1-29-07
    7270 Application and Employment of Certificated Employees (Contract and Day-To-Day Substitute Positions) 4-29-05
    7272 Summer School Certificated Employment 11-22-99

    Placement, Transfer, and Reassignment of Contract Teachers 

    Deleted; see BP, AR 4113
    7290 Certificated Substitutes for Illness/Emergency 12-10-99
  • Att
    Request and Release of Certificated Substitutes 10-21-02
    7293 Substitute Procedures for Districtwide Emergencies 11-08-02
    7295 Certificated Substitutes (Visiting Teachers) for Prescheduled Activities 4-24-06
    7342 Job-Share Assignments, Teachers 2-10-00
    7360 Evaluation of Visiting Teachers 9-07-01
    7371 Dismissal/Suspension of Probationary Certificated Employees 7-12-02
    7405 Employment Status and Status Change of Classified Employees 8-02-02
  • Att 1
    Selection and Appointment of Classified Employees to Confidential Positions 11-03-00
    7410 Placement of Custodians 1-16-97
    7412 Secretarial/Clerical Allocation Formula for Regular Program School Sites 3-20-06
    7416 Summer School Classified Staffing 11-22-99
    7417 Guidance Assistant Formula for Elementary Schools 10-12-95
    7420 Salary Administration for Classified Personnel 7-01-95
    7425 Differential Pay for Classified Employees 12-10-10
    7426 Overtime Authorization and Compensation for Classified Employees 10-14-92
  • Att 1
    Long-Term Leaves of Absence for Management/Confidential/Supervisory Employees 8-04-00
  • Att 1
    Long-Term Leaves of Absence for Classified Employees 8-04-00
    7435 Floating Holiday for Classified Employees 5-05-03
    7436 Vacations of Classified Employees 1-09-07
    7440 Application and Examination of Classified Employees 2-03-93
    7442 Classified Paraprofessional Employees 11-08-02
    7444 Employment, Assignment, and Allocation of Breakfast/Noon Ground Supervision, K-6 9-08-93
    7446 Employment and Placement of College Student Workers 6-11-99
    7450 Qualified Candidate Pools for Employment and Promotion of Classified Employees 3-29-02
    7455 Request for Secretarial/Clerical Substitutes and Casual Help 9-07-99
    7460 Custodial Substitutes 7-09-99
    7480 Transfer/Reassignment of Classified Employees 5-03-02
    7485 Workday and Workweek for Classified Employees 7-01-95
    7520 Evaluation of Classified Staff 12-10-10
    7525 Evaluation of Classified Temporary Employees 3-29-02

    Classification of Classified Staff Positions 

    Deleted; see AR 4213
    7560 Layoff and Reemployment of Classified Personnel 7-12-02
    7570 Dismissal, Suspension, and Demotion of Classified Personnel 12-10-10
    7610 Classification of Management Salary Schedule Positions 6-08-01
    7620 Salary Policy for Management and Site Administrator Salary Schedule Positions 5-04-95
    7621 Salary Administration for Site Administrators 10-21-02
    7625 Additional Hourly Assignments for Management Employees 2-18-03
    7626 Supervision Service Payments for Senior High School Vice Principals 6-20-03
    7630 Released Time for Professional and Personal Improvement 7-05-02
    7635 Vacations of Management/Confidential/ Supervisory Employees 3-07-07
    7640 Recruitment, Selection, Promotion, and Reassignment/Transfer of Management Employees 7-25-07
    7660 Substitute and Acting Principals and Vice Principals 9-06-02
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    Evaluation of Management Employees 3-20-06
    7765 Adverse Action Resulting from Reductions in Funding or District Programs, or Administrative Reorganization--Management/Supervisory/Confidential Employees 11-19-07
    7767 Adverse Action Based on Performance or Conduct, Management/ Supervisory/ Confidential Employees 6-27-03