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Printing Services

Printing Services Logo

Printing Services provides cost-effective, responsive printing and copying for schools and departments within the San Diego Unified School District. Our customers will receive the highest quality customer service for all of their printing needs at the lowest possible cost.

Printing Services Flyer

How to Request Services

Online Forms

E-mail your request

  • Address e-mail to [email protected]

  • Include all parameters of what you want produced. Use the Printing Request Form as a guide

  • Provide a date you need the job done by

  • Provide a contact name and phone number

  • Provide a budget number

  • Attach your digital file. For best results, use Adobe PDF.

Printing Request Form

  • Download form
  • Fill in all details of what you want produced

  • Provide a date you need the job done by

  • Provide a contact name and phone number

  • Provide a budget number


Contact Us

Printing Services
4100 Normal Street, Annex 5
San Diego, CA 92103
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Phone: 619-725-7446
Email: [email protected]