Student discipline is a critical factor in maintaining a safe environment for students and staff. While it's important that students be held accountable for their conduct, it is equally important that students and families know of their right to appeal and understand the appeal process in order to be better prepared for it.
Some student discipline issues are resolved through one-to-one counseling with a teacher, counselor or school administrator, and may require no more than an in-school suspension. This means that students are removed from the classroom for a short period of time for the purposes of redirecting or resolving misbehavior. Other issues may result in out-of-school suspensions. This is a more formal discipline approach, which prohibits students from attending school, and which requires they have the direct supervision of a parent or other adult.
The most serious discipline approach, an expulsion, requires approval from the Board of Education, and removes the student from his or her school for a period of one or two semesters. Expulsions cannot happen without a recommendation from a school site. An expelled student may not participate in any district program or activity, including school dances, athletics, and performing arts events. Individual school sites have special review boards that can make exceptions to this policy. Expelled students are required to attend a community day school or alternative education program as determined by the Board of Education.
Restorative discipline policy
The Restorative Discipline Policy establishes a framework for developing, refining, and implementing a culture of discipline conducive to learning at every school in the San Diego Unified School District.
This framework is built on school-wide positive behavior support, a culture of positive discipline techniques, and the systemic development of carefully identified rules with the necessary structure for their firm, fair, and consistent implementation.
The importance of a school-wide positive behavior support and discipline plan is consistent with the principles of safety, responsibility, respectfulness, appreciation of differences, honesty, and life-long learning.
For more information, view the entire Restorative Discipline Policy (PDF - 16 pgs)
Detention Policy
Teachers are specially authorized to keep students after school to make up work or for disciplinary reasons for periods up to one hour after the close of school. In such cases, courtesy will be extended by attempting to contact parents to let them know students will be late in arriving home. No permission slip is required for detention. For specific information about what may lead to a detention at your school, contact your child's teacher or principal.