Contracts for Independent Study:
- Do I need to use a log to track CIS contracts? Yes, this is a state requirement and is necessary at both elementary and secondary levels.
- Do we get funding for CIS contracts of any length? No, we do not get funding for any contracts that are less than 5 days. We also do not receive funding for contracts that are missing any signatures, that are dated after the fact, and that do not have a sample of the student's work attached. For other questions contact Dee Slieff in Pupil Accounting at 619-725-7576.
What is ADA (Average Daily Attendance)? ADA is best explained this way - all students attending negative attendance sites earn daily ADA for every day they are in attendance. Schools are in session for 180 days. The state provideseach LEA with four (4) levels of base grants depending on grade level. In addition there are the add on-s for supplemental, concentration, grade span, and CTE grants. An average daily rate can be calculated by taking the LCFF entitlement revenue, divide by ADA, and then divide by number of instructional days in the school year.
If a student is in attendance for every day of the 180 day school year they would earn 1.00 ADA, which means they would earn for example in 14/15 school year an average of $44.77 each day. This is an average, for each student's ADA could differ by grade level and whether they are captured in the District's unduplicated count. Most schools are negative attendance schools. Students who are in positive attendance programs, such as continuation schools, earn ADA based on the hours they are in attendance at the site. In this case, if a student is in class for the weekly required hours for all 180 days they would earn 1.00 ADA. It is never possible to earn more than 1.00 ADA per student.
- Can the "W" code be used for tardies over 30 minutes in the morning or for students leaving with unexcused reasons over 30 minutes in the afternoon? Yes, the "W" code can be used at any time during the school day, when a student either arrives late or leaves early with an unexcused reason. This is true for both elementary and secondary schools.
- What is the cutoff date for students going to Saturday school? The P2 date for the 2019-2020 school year is March 20, 2020. Absences past this date can still be made up in Saturday school, but ADA will not be recouped. Remember that Saturday school can be held up through the end of the school year.
**As of July 1, 2015 Saturday School reimbursements will be processed by the Extended Learning Department. Send all documentation to Extended Learning Department, IMC Building A, or call (858) 503-1879 for further information.**
- How many absences can a student have before failing the grade? There is no set number of days. The decision to retain the student is made at the site level. The number of days missed may be considered as part of the decision to retain.
- Is the Agreement to Continue in Kindergarten (holdover form) needed for a student who completed thier first year in Transitional Kindergarten, and is in Kindergarten the second year? No the Agreement to Continue in Kindergarten is not required for Transitional Kindergarten students in their second year. Student that are repeating Kindergarten or who were in Kindergarten for any part of the prior year must have the form on file. Education Code 46300 and 48011 requires that students that will continue in Kindergarten have a state required form added to the student's cumulative file. The required formAgreement for Pupil to Continue Kindergarten must be signed by the parent(s) and the administrator before the student may repeat Kindergarten. If you have questions about filling out the form please contact Pupil Accounting for assistance.
- How many absences can a student have before failing the grade? There is no set number of days. The decision to retain the student is made at the school site. The number of days missed may be condsidered as part of the decision to retain.
- Can I drop an "early out" student? There is no early out option. If the student plans to continue at your school or the feeder school in the next year, you must carry the student through the end of the year with an "E" code.
- Are enrollment cards permanent records? Yes! Enrollment cards are permanent records and must be kept indefinitely. Box and store all enrollment cards each year. Do not destroy enrollment cards. EVER! You can contact Student Records at 619 260-2426 for information on when to send in your records. They also send a bulletin out every year regarding records retention. Please refer to the Administrative Procedure regarding student records for more information.