Requirements for Schools Subject to a Williams visit

Williams Visited SitesThis document identifies schools subject to Williams visit by San Diego County Office of Education.

Preparing for a Successful Williams Team Visit(Power Point) -Important information to prepare for a successful Williams visit.

SDCOE Williams 2024 Training (Power Point) 

Annual Visits

As outlined in AB 599, schools that meet the criteria listed below are eligible for monitoring under the Williams settlement legislation:

  • Schools where 15% or more of the teachers are holders of a permit, certificate, or any other authorization that is a lesser certification than a preliminary or clear California teaching credential.

Typically, a list of eligibility will be updated every three (3) years. Because of the changes to state testing, the audited sites will remain the same until further notice. Annual visits will be conducted by the fourth week of school to verify instructional materials sufficiency; inspect conditions of the facility, including all pupil and staff restrooms, drinking fountains and common areas; collect teacher vacancy data and validate information included in the School Accountability Report Card (SARC). SDCOE will make every effort to minimize disruptions to teaching and learning while conducting facilities and materials inspections during the school day. The County intends to visit 20-25% of the classrooms (subject to a minimum of one classroom per grade) at each elementary school, and 20-25% of secondary school classrooms in each of the four core subject areas, foreign language and health classes with enrollment. Teams will also verify adequacy of science laboratory equipment in grades 9-12.

Inspections will verify:

  1. each pupil has access to instructional materials in core subject areas to use at home and in the classroom, including sufficient laboratory equipment for high school science classrooms in grades 9-12; ( Suggested Options for Textbook Checkout - This form outlines options for textbook check-out to students at secondary schools.)
  2. no emergency conditions exist in the classroom based on a visual and sensory examination;
  3. the accuracy of data reported on the most recent School Accountability Report Card (SARC) during the visit;
  4. current UCP (Uniform Complaint Procedure) notices are visibly posted in classrooms in English and where the native language of 15% or more of pupils is a language other than English, the notice must also be posted in this language.
  5. Uniform Complaint Forms are available in the front office in English and where the native language of 15% or more of the pupils is a language other than English, the forms must also be available in this language.

The visits will be conducted by teams of four to six people, including employees of the County and representatives from other school districts. The legislation specifies that visits must occur within the first four weeks of the school year and typically begin during the second week of school. The visitation schedule and site notification will be provided by the County two weeks before the commencement of the first visit. California Ed Code requires 25% of school visits to be unannounced.

Williams Visit Checklist-this form outlines all Williams visit requirements for schools in San Diego Unified School District.

Please choose the appropriate link below to access specific information and required documentation for upcoming Williams visits.

Classroom Notices - Posted in Every Classroom and in the Front Office.
| English | Spanish | Tagalog| Vietnamese 

Uniform Complaint Forms - Must be available in Front Office
| English| Spanish | Tagalog| Vietnamese 

Uniform Complaint Forms are used to file a formal complaint and should be filled out and given to the school principal. The District must submit a quarterly report to SDCOE on the number of Williams-related complaints received and if they were resolved or unresolved. Complaints may be filed anonymously. Schools and LEA's will not reject a complaint if the form is not used as long as the complaint is submitted in writing. A written response may be requested and must be responded to within 45 days of receipt. Responses must be provided in English and the primary language when 15% or more of the students in the school speak a primary language other than English.

Contact Information

Instructional Resources and Materials
IMC, 2441 Cardinal Lane
San Diego, CA 92123-3798
(858) 496-8466 - Phone

Responsibility: Contact:
Williams Coordinator & Instructional Materials

Jeff Baumann
Instructional Resources & Materials Manager
[email protected]
(858) 496-8461

Facilities Brian Ehms
Supervisor, Physical Plant Operations
[email protected]
(858) 627-7227
Teacher Assignment Kristen McGinn
Human Resource Services Supervisor
[email protected]
(619) 725-7562
SARC (School Accountability Report Cards)

Marcellus Walker
Planning Analyst
[email protected]

(619) 725-7175

Uniform Complaint

Anna Ward
Title IX Coordinator & Uniform Complaint Compliance Officer 
[email protected]
(619) 725-7225