Class - Introduction to Excel

Microsoft Excel 2013 is the software version used in these classes. The following items are included in the handbook/manual. Not all topics listed here are taught in Introduction to Excel training class. The handbook itself is located at the bottom of this list:

E Overview of the Excel user interface

E Quick Access Toolbar

E Ribbon

E Mini Toolbar

E Shortcut Menus

E Create, Save, Open a Workbook

E Insert or Delete Extra Columns and Rows

E How to Hide/Unhide Columns or Rows Without Deleting Them

E Formulas

E Apply Functions & Formulas Instantly to Multiple Cells

E Sorting & Filtering

E Find & Replace

E Insert and Modify a Chart

E Insert Symbols

E Headers & Footers

E Bookmark Links

E Insert Graphics

E Page Layout

E Printing a Worksheet

E Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

E Help Menus

Introduction to Excel 2013 Handbook Recently Updated with additional Topics & Features...