What is PAR?
PAR is the acronym for Peer Assistance and Review. PAR was signed into legislation in 2000 as part of the School Accountability Act, and developed locally through collaboration between the San Diego Education Association and the San Diego Unified School District. The PAR program offers a unique approach to supporting teachers that enables exemplary teachers to assist their peers in subject matter knowledge and/or teaching strategies. (Article 18. Peer Review and Enrichment Program - The Collective Negotiations Contract between SDUSD and SDEA.) For more information refer to the PAR brochure.
Consulting Teachers
Consulting Teachers are credentialed classroom teachers who have permanent status and as least five years teaching experience. Consulting Teachers strive to improve teaching and learning through direct support of classroom teachers. Although they are not part of teacher evaluation, assistance is designed in consultation with administration. Consulting Teachers provide assistance based on their caseload availability. Their support focuses on specific areas of instructional practice. Types of assistance vary, depending on participants' needs. Consulting Teachers and Participating Teachers meet regularly for support.
Participating Teacher
There are different ways teachers may participate in the PAR program:
Mandatory Participation: Permanent classroom teachers who have received "unsatisfactory" in any of the first four areas of their evaluation and/or an overall evaluation of less than effective, must participate in the PAR program and receive assistance from a consulting teacher.
Formal Participation: Permanent classroom teachers who have received a "requires improvement" in and of the first four areas of the evaluation and/or an overall evaluation of less than effective, may choose to participate in the PAR program. Permanent classroom teachers who receive evaluative paperwork such as a mid-year remediation plan, may also choose to participate in PAR.
Voluntary: Permanent classroom teachers who request support due to grade level or subject change may also request support from a PAR Consulting Teacher. Support may be requested for gaining additional strategies or classroom management techniques.